Plans for 2015

New Years are all about new beginnings; here's to my new beginning...

Things I want to do in 2015:
1. Traveling. Something I always enjoy doing and something I know I probably won't get a chance to do much in my future so I want to take the opportunity while I am young to see as much as I can. 

2. Mending. There are a few friendship I have let go downhill. Though it might take some work, I would really like the chance to fix these broken relationships.

3. Counseling. I have been encouraged for many years, by so many people, to seek someone to talk to professionally. After a lot of thought, I decided to give it a shot. What's the harm in that?

4. Journaling. Whether it be through my peaks, pits, praises, and prayers for the day or through my snapshots on instagram, I don't want to take this year for granted. I want these memories, whether they be good or bad, to last a lifetime. 

5. Blogging. My hopes and goals for this year is that I will make the time to blog 5 times a week - at the least. We will see how far along I get with that. 

6. Reading. After being a history major, I let reading-for-fun go by the wayside. In attempts to get back into it I will attempt to read a book a month. 

7. Exercising. Being active at least 4 times a week is my personal goal and so far this has been easily obtainable. I hope to keep it up in the New Year.

8. Working. As always, my job is a priority in life so I hope to professionally advance my resume as much as I can this year. 

What are some of your plans for 2015?

xo, Chelsea
follow along on twitter & instagram.

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