An Open Letter from the Girl with a Thigh-Gap

First, things first, I am sorry.

I am sorry that our society has come to impossible beauty standards. Every day we are surrounded by advertisements that show girls airbrushed and perfected to incredible proportions. I am even guilty at looking at those photos and thinking, "if I looked like that, life would be easier." 

Fact is, no one looks like that. 

Not even me. 

Sure, I may have that coveted (often hated) thigh-gap, but that does not mean I look like those airbrushed models. I struggle with other blemishes: hormonal acne, freckles, crooked teeth. The list can go on and on. 

Over the past few months, the thigh-gap movement has exploded all over the internet. With both parties being shamed in the backlash. Girls with a thigh-gap are told to go eat a burger because "there is no way that they are eating properly." And girls without are told to go to the gym more because "they are clearly not caring for their body enough." 

When will body shaming stop?

I agree that advertisements shouldn't airbrush their models but I also think that we should love ourselves just the way we are. 

Telling girls they are 'too skinny' is just as hurtful as calling someone fat. 

Shaming each other is a habit that needs to die, because let's be real, we are all beautiful in our own way.

Regardless of if we are 'all about that bass', 'tall and skinny', or somewhere in-between, not a one of us is better than the other. All women are real women. So let's start treating each other with the respect we deserve.

xo, Chelsea
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