Peaks // Pits // Praises // Prayers - 2014 Edition

This is something I do that I haven't had the opportunity to share with many people. Writing down my peaks, pits, praises, and prayers is something I like to do at the end of each day (if I remember and/or have the time). My favorite type of journaling is very much straightforward and to the point; no yammering on for pages after pages. It's just too time consuming and with a busy life, I struggle to find the point in that. 

Anyways, I digress. 

I decided to share with you some of my peaks, pits, praises, and prayers for my 2014. Please note that this is obviously not my entire list, seeing as I do like to keep some things personal. 

- Fall 2013 pledge class of Theta Xi decided to bless me in buying my books for Spring 2014.
- 2 weeks of snow breaks from classes.
- Formal in Charleston with Asa.
- Chick-fil-A Grand Opening in Scotsdale, Arizona. 
- Summer road trips.
- Nashville for my little's birthday.
- Georgia Tech game days. 
- Hanna & Michaels wedding.
- Incredibly blessed by my friends generosity. 

- Feelings of estrangement from friends.
- Missed opportunities.
- 4 days hospitalized in May.
- 3 car accidents in 2 months. 
- Failure.
- Onset feeling of loneliness.
- Pain in heartbreak.

- After years of looking, I have some truly wonderful friends, who support me more than I could ever ask.
- Learning how to forgive someone who has become the biggest disappointment in my life.
- Being financially provided for.
- Laughter even in the darkest of moments.
- An incredible job with incredible opportunities.
- Accepted as a broken person.

- Give me discerning wisdom when it comes to my future.
- Thank you for the friends you have provided. They are better than I had asked and prayed for.
- Help me forgive, even when it is the hardest thing to do.
- Teach me how to let go.
- Protect my heart.
- Give me a heart filled with love for others, no matter how scary that is for me.
- Show me my worth.
- Give me a strong work ethic & continued health to continue doing the things that I do.

2014 has been a turning point in my life. That is absolutely certain. I am still struggling to heal and learn from everything that has happened this year. Sorry, if this post was a little sappy. Looking back is something that I cannot do with a dry eye. 

What was your 2014 like?

xo, Chelsea
follow along on twitter & instagram.

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