Happy Hobbit Holiday

First, a very Merry Christmas to you all!

As a Christmas tradition, my family single-handedly tries to keep the movie theater in business. Yes, I am completely disregarding the fact that many others choose to go to the movies on this holiday - I am simply ranting because this is my least favorite "tradition."

All saltiness aside, I am happy to report I have finally seen The Hobbit. I know I am about 2 weeks behind on this but with the ending of what seems like the longest era ever, I felt the need to post this.

The final installment of this trilogy is exactly what I expected, yet I was still disappointed with some aspects. For whatever reason, Bilbo Baggins, the main character of The Hobbit (it's titled The Hobbit for crying out loud) got about 15 minutes of actual airtime. I know that Peter Jackson developed many other characters while laying out the groundwork for these movies but I was overly disappointed to not see our beloved hobbit a few more times on screen. However, overall, I was content to just sit back and watch the battle of the 5 armies unfold. 

Now because I am feeling nostalgic about one of my favorite fantasy lands coming to a cinematic close, I came up with my favorite Middle Earth treasures for all of your after-holiday-fan-girl-shopping pleasure. (Kimberly - I am looking at you!)

Middle Earth Infinity Scarf: I, no shame, would wear this scarf, proudly. The map of Middle Earth adorned in knit, who could pass it up? 

Handmade 'The Prancing Pony' Mug: If I bring one more mug home my roommates might have my head (sorry Carrie) but isn't this handmade mug just darling. Looks like it came straight from the Shire.

"Speak, Friend, and Enter" Doormat: Now isn't this doormat the most clever thing you've ever seen? This riddle was the key to unlocking the Doors of Durin in the very first film/book: The Fellowship of the Ring. I might have to DIY a version of this for myself. Stay tuned.

The Dwarf Song Print Set: I know that this song, which takes place in the first installation of The Hobbit, has gotten a lot of criticism (mostly from Tolkien-fan-wannabes - in my opinion). However, I get chills every time I hear it. These prints go great with the lyrics and adorably fit into any Tolkien-fans decor.

LOTRs Pullover: Okay, this isn't from the Hobbit at all, sue me. It was just way too darling to not add to this list. I would probably get so much crap if I wore this around casually, but I almost don't even care.

Tolkien Quote Graphic Throw Pillow: If this fit at all in any decor schemes I currently have in mind, I would have to have it. This pillow cover features a beautiful woodland scene with the classic "Not all those who wander are lost" quote by the one and only J.R.R. Tolkien.

Adventure Necklace: This necklace was inspired by a letter written by J.R.R. Tolkien to Terence Tiller and is a perfect piece of jewelry to show off your fan-girl appreciation but to carry a bit of the adventure with you always.

Bilbo's House Painted Ornament: I can't help but appreciate this beautifully painted ornament. I get insanely jealous of people who can paint so well on glass, which is one of the hardest surfaces to successfully paint well. Just absolutely beautiful.

That's all, for now! I am off to enjoy another movie and some Christmas chili. Hope you all have a fantastic rest of your holiday. Let me know what you thought about The Hobbit and my list of Middle Earth necessities.

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