Currently 12.26.14

I decided to start a series called currently, which essentially is list of things I am currently obsessed with. Mostly because I like to document my life and I thought it would be fun to do a weekly series. So here goes:

craving: Starbucks Hazelnut Macchiato - Starbucks is currently phasing out the Hazelnut so I have been scrambling to get my fill of this delicious drink before the hazelnut is no more :(

obsessed with: Gel nail polish - I don't care if gel nail polish supposedly weakness your nails, I love that this polish lasts longer than just 2 days.

in your makeup bag: Benefit Brow Zings - Your eyebrows can make or break your entire appearance. I firmly believe that. Benefit makes grooming and maintaining them so unbelievably simple, not just with this product but with many others as well.

reading: Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption - I recently got this book on my kindle and have been diving head first into the pages. So far the story has been such a joy to read.

excited about: New Years - I do not have definite plans yet but I am excited about the idea of a New Year and the end of 2014.

wearing: Ankle boots - I learned this season how to really wear this trend and wear it well, so I have taken full advantage of this knowledge and gone a bit overboard. I now plan out full outfits surrounded by my shoes (let's be honest - this happens regardless) but seems a bit more extreme lately.

listening to: This Warm December // A Brushfire Holiday Vol.1 - I was given this on vinyl for my birthday (thank you, Sarah!) and I have not stopped listening to it since. I know it's now after Christmas but it's too cheery to stop listening to immediately. I promise to put it away Jan.1!

dreaming of: Summer hiking and picnics - This is hard not to dream about during these cold, rainy winter months but I really can't shake the fact that I never take full advantage of the sun when it is here.

watching: Arrow - I know I am about 2 years behind on the start of this series but thanks to Netflix (and a break from school), I am slowly catching up. This series has just the right amount of fighting, archery, and flashbacks to keep your mind fully engaged on the green arrow.

lusting over: Giant cozy sweaters - Nothing beats the winter chill better than a giant sweater. Pair with fleece-lined leggings and a pair of boots and you are ready to seize the day. 

What are you up to currently?

xo, Chelsea
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