on my radar


I cannot believe it is already the middle of February! Where has the time gone? I think I blacked out somewhere at the end of January and have only just now gotten back into things this week... Thank you, Chick-fil-A. 
As some of you know, I work for Chick-fil-A, and even though I love my job, the past few weeks have been 50+ hour weeks. With that on top of school work, I haven't been very in the know. TBH I barely know who was in the Super Bowl. But now that things are kind of slowing down, here is what has been on my radar... 

How cute is this. Good job Pantene on the super cute Super Bowl inspired ad. 

I am in love with this Instagram (@SymmetryBreakfast) because they really understand my need for symmetry and my love for breakfast. It is a must follow account for any perfectionist or foodie.

Speaking of InstagramAll I can say is FINALLY! Being someone who has grown up getting paid to do social media, I cannot believe that it took Instagram until 2016 to do something that other social media platforms have been doing for some time. Since the switch, Instagramming for work has not been a terrible hassle like it used to be. Thanks for getting it together Instagram!

Potterheads around the world rejoice... But this is seriously big news for both the Wizarding World and Muggles alike. Only thing better would be to take a trip to London and actually see the play live. 

That's all I have on my radar right now. I'll be sure to update you as I keep coming out from under the rock I've been living. 

What's on your radar?

later, Chels
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