this week in social, pr & tech

Social Media, PR and Tech are constantly changing which means everyday there is something new to report. I'm here to try to make it easy for you.

Here's the skinny from this week, Snapchat is trying to get in on the wearable tech game with their new SpectaclesGoogle celebrated their 18th birthday, kinda. Google Maps finally went handsfree. AOL's Alto wants to organize your inbox a lot like Gmail already does. Wondering who's going to buy Twitter? So am I. Spotify makes a bid for Soundcloud, which could be the best thing ever. Facebook/Instagram stay as salty as ever with Insta Stories still relevant, while simultaneously testing 'My Day' through FB Messenger app, and also developing a Slack wannabeMeanwhile Slack integrates with Salesforce. Salesforce is causing a ruckus about the Microsoft Linkedin merger, where Microsoft says, 'game on.' Note7 replacements are just as crappy which makes Apple very happy. Speaking of Apple, one iPhone 7 arrived smoldering to a very disappointed customer (but it probably had some help... looking at you Samsung). Meanwhile, some ex-Apple engineers are making the coolest car accessories ever. And lastly your car may start noticing your patterns and try to sell you stuff, so something to look forward to.

In case that wasn't enough or you feel like you missed something, here is everything that happened this week:

Social Media:

Public Relations:

1. 3 Fashion Brands to Follow for Snapchat Inspiration
2. A Taste of Dunkin' Brands' 'Carrot and Cake' Snapchat Strategy
3. How 4 Brands Are Using Instagram Stories Today
4. Could ads be coming to national parks?
5. 10 Brands Who Have Snapchat Figured Out
6. The Value of Instagram Story Takeovers


1. Uber follows Lyft into the gift-card game
2. Exchanged Samsung Note7 phones are overheating and draining power quickly
3. These former Apple engineers are building a whole bunch of cool car tech—here's their first product
4. There's no confusion: Today's Google's birthday
5. How Garmin Mapped Out A New Direction With Fitness Wearables
6. An infusion of AI makes google translate more powerful than ever
7. The end of an era: Blackberry will no longer make its own phones
8. Report: Playlist Listening Overtakes Albums on Streaming Sites
9. Report: Spotify in 'advanced' talks to buy SoundCloud
13. Google's Search app for iOS now has an Incognito mode
38. When will Apple unveil the new MacBook Pro?

Anything to add?

socially yours,
follow along on twitter & instagram

1 comment

  1. Wow, that's a lot to stay on top of in Social news! Thanks for the summary ;)
