none of my dreams come true — and maybe that is okay

"Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

I've seen a lot of blog posts lately about giving up your dreams for the future so that you can live your best self in the present. While I think this is a great message and something that we should consider, I think dreaming is something that motivates and inspires us to be our best self now. I don't think giving up on our dreams is something we have to do to be able to live, but I think there should be a realization that maybe your dreams won't come true, and that is okay.

I'll start by saying most of my dreams growing up haven't come true and for good reason...

Dreams then:

I dreamed that my letter from Hogwarts would come on the summer of my 11th year.
What little Harry-Potter-loving kid doesn't dream of going to a far away castle to study magic? I'd be surprised if I wasn't the only disappointed 11 year old who thought that there was something special out there waiting for them to be invited in.

I dreamed that I would meet my long lost big brother.
I grew up as an only child for about 5 years. Of course I had a dream that a loving big brother would play with me and spend time with me and protect me, as all big brothers should.

I dreamed that I would be a Training Director for Chick-fil-A.
Surprised Korchan? Three years ago, when I was training every other shift and our current Training Director was leaving for a corporate position, I was the most qualified for the job and felt so much frustration and embarrassment when I got passed up for the position. Looking back, I realized that I am better suited for what I do now and my job as Restaurant Marketing Director has helped me with my career more than Training Director would ever have.

I dreamed that I would be a good singer.
I am not. I have 14 years of church choir and 10 years of school chorus attempting to make this dream a reality. But I am not a singer. I can keep a tune (sometimes) but that is about it. Nowadays you can catch my latest tunes while driving in the car.

I dreamed for a best friend.
And someone who would consider me their best friend. It would be us against the world and nothing would be able to stop us.

Although none of those dreams came true, that does not mean that nothing good has happened in my life. I have had many blessings in my 23 years of life. And consider this, maybe it has been a blessing that I have had to pick myself up after failed dreams time and time again because it has made me an extremely strong and persistent person. I think that in dreaming we allow ourselves to become vulnerable to the possibility that your dreams might not come true. That vulnerability and strength are assets to my character now. My past failed dreams have not stopped my dreaming and I think that is something to celebrate. 

Dreams now:

I dream for a family.
Not anything picture perfect but a family to call my own. A family to come home to. 

I dream for a friend.
This has changed a little since I was younger. Back then I wanted a best friend who could conquer the world with me at their side. But I realize now that those friendships, although they appear perfect, are by no means perfect. I know it sounds like I might be settling from what I first dreamed but I would love a friend. Someone I can trust and someone I can be myself around.

I dream that I will finish school.
Working 3 different jobs full time just to pay for all my bills takes a lot out of me. School is hard and I have worked so hard but a part of me is scared that I won't be able to make it. Having this dream is a motivation to keep going when things get tough.

I dream that I will work for Chick-fil-A Corporate.
This dream is what pushes me at work and at school. This dream is part of the core of who I am. It makes me strive to be a better person, a better employee, a better marketer, a better student, a better investor in people's lives.

I dream that I will be a successful blogger.
I don't like sharing this because it means being honest and intimate with people and the possibility that I might fall flat on my face in front of everyone. And honestly, I have a long way to go but maybe one day I can make this dream a reality.

I dream that I will be able to travel the world.
There are so many places I want to see and so many cultures I want to experience. Being able to travel and see the world is the ultimate dream for me.

I dream that I will have someone to share my life with.
Every girl dreams for the white dress and the aisle to walk down, but I want more than that. I want to be able to trust someone with all my heart that they want the best for me and that they will be there. I want to be intimately intwined in another person's future so much so that we have shared successes and failures. I want to be their cheerleader and motivator and they do the same for me.
{ to just get over my major commitment issues.}

I know some of these current dreams might not ever come true but that doesn't, and won't, stop me from pursuing them. This does not mean that I will stop living my life until these dreams come true but I think that these dreams motivate me to live my best self now and give me a hope in my future, which I so desperately need sometimes.

Target // Oh Joy! Striped Stoneware Pitcher (s/o but I also really love this one)
Vogue Magazine // December edition
Apple // iPhone 5s

later, Chels
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