Casual Summer Night // Cloth & Stone

Today was a little bit of an off day for me. A large majority of the day I did nothing productive... Surprising, I know. I spent a good bit of the morning reading; finishing The Casual Vacancy and starting The Vacationers, with Starbucks in hand, of course. I did do a little bit of work, responding to emails and such, but still not enough. This afternoon was well spent at a thrift store just browsing for treasures (one of my all time favorite activities). I picked up a few new books that I am pretty excited about.

On a side note, I am in need of some motivation because it has been hard pressed to actually be productive as of late. I am planning on setting aside some time tomorrow to get a better routine going for me. Here's to hoping...

Cloth & Stone // Palm Leaf Shirt (s/o similar here, here)
Fossil // Stella Multifunction Watch (s/o similar here)

Happy hump day.

later, Chels
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